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Mar 13, 2023 | 3 min read

Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts

The craze for watching engaging short videos on YouTube is at its peak currently and YouTubers are raising the bar each day with better and more impressive videos to keep their audiences hooked. So, what are these YouTube Shorts and why is the world going berserk over them?

To answer in short, YouTube Shorts are short videos often up to 60s. max with snappy and easily digestible content, like viral trends or behind-the-scene looks. They are entertaining to watch and the perfect anecdote to unwind, relax after a busy office day, or kill time when bored.

The perfect time to post YouTube Shorts is between 6 pm to 10 pm, to get the maximum views. Scroll down below to know everything about these videos in detail..

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First things First, What are YouTube Shorts and What Kind of Content do they Show?

The demand for short-form video content has given birth to YouTube Shorts. With attention spans becoming shorter, people are turning to quick and engaging content that can be consumed on the go.

Popular social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have contributed to the popularity of YouTube Shorts. As the viewership of their short-form videos has increased by manifolds, YouTubers are now focusing on creating similar videos on YouTube.

Creators mostly upload personal videos showcasing a spin on popular viral trends . Some of these shorts are glimpses of behind-the-scene looks or activity happening before a main event. Creators add music and filters to make their videos stand out. YouTube Shorts offer a unique opportunity for creators to reach a wider audience.

Why is it Important to Post YouTube Shorts at the Right Time?

If you are curious about the importance of posting YouTube Shorts at optimal times, it is imperative to note that creators craft and upload these videos with a commercial objective. The more views these videos garner, the greater the monetary reward they can reap from YouTube. It is therefore essential to schedule uploads at times when maximum views are attainable.

The content displayed on our YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok feeds are products of algorithms that take into account several factors before presenting them to us. These include the types of videos we appreciate or seek, our preferred browsing hours, and posts from individuals with whom we frequently interact.

Selecting an appropriate time slot to share your YouTube Shorts can lead to maximum engagement. Opting for an evening posting time can prove particularly effective, as this is when most individuals are free from their work and seek relaxation after a hectic day. Many individuals enjoy browsing their feeds before bedtime and eagerly anticipate fresh and captivating content for their entertainment.

Posting YouTube Shorts at the opportune time also ensures less competition and heightens the chances of search engines displaying your content at the top of search results, thereby increasing visibility.

Lastly, uploading content during high-traffic periods presents a chance to maximize viewership. Thus, if you aim to garner maximum viewership for your YouTube Shorts, it is best to post them at the ideal time.

What is the Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts

After a general global survey, it is concluded that most people like to spend time on their social media platforms or YouTube in the evenings after they are back from work. These are considered the Peak Hours. The form of entertainment after work hours was television in the past, but nowadays, social media and short-form videos are slowly taking over and becoming the preferred modes of entertainment.

  • Best Time

The best time to post YouTube Shorts is between 6 pm to 10 pm. It is during these peak hours that you can get maximum engagement and visibility. The peak hours may vary slightly depending on the region and day of the week. But, in general, 6 pm to 10 pm are the hours when one can expect maximum traffic on these platforms. Your YouTube Shorts might appear in the top search results by search engine algorithms, thereby getting you maximum viewership. It is also at these hours that most people are free after a hectic day and like to spend time on their phones for personal entertainment.


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Day Time
Monday Between 6 pm & 9 pm
Tuesday Between 6 pm & 10 pm
Wednesday Between 6 pm & 10 pm
Thursday Between 6 pm & 9 pm
Friday Between 4 pm & 8 pm
Saturday Between 3 pm & 6 pm
Sunday Between noon & 3pm

  • Best Days of the Week

When posting YouTube Shorts, it is also important which days of the week you are posting them on. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the best days of the week to post YouTube Shorts. It is on these days mostly that people are not stressed with work and are likely to spend more time browsing their feeds or watching YouTube for short-form videos. The bulk of YouTube users tend to watch videos at a time that coincides with their television viewing habits. However, the optimal time for posting your content depends on your intended audience. What works for one channel may not necessarily yield similar results for another. Additionally, it is crucial to upload your video in advance of peak viewing times, as it takes a certain period for YouTube to index your content and populate its search results. Therefore, it is recommended to post several hours earlier to ensure timely visibility.

  • How Often Should you Post YouTube Shorts?

An essential aspect of captivating your audience and sustaining their interest is to exercise moderation in your content production. If you inundate your viewers with a deluge of videos, they may become disinterested or unable to keep pace.

Ideally, a daily upload of a Short video is recommended, although this may be tiresome with a hectic schedule. At the very least, aim to post thrice a week. Consistency is important in luring a new audience and retaining their attention.

By adhering to a predictable posting pattern, your audience will eagerly anticipate your next creation, fostering loyalty and viewership.

How to Determine the Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts?

Every YouTube channel is unique. You can continue posting at your preferred time and yet focus on generating amazing content to change the viewership trend. But, if you are a newbie and want to play it safe, then you can consider the following factors to determine the best time suitable for you:

  • Check what your Competitors are doing

Find out the timings when your competitors post their videos. You can choose to post your content at the same time to create healthy competition or choose to post an hour earlier to drive maximum engagement on your channel.

  • Use Google Analytics Tools

Google Analytics or YouTube Analytics tools can help you figure out your audience’s specific browsing times and browsing behaviors. You can use these leads to determine the best time to post your YouTube Shorts.

How do Creators Earn from YouTube Shorts?

Content creators can make money from YouTube Shorts as per a new policy. Starting from February 1, 2023, YouTube has introduced a revenue scheme to its Shorts Format. Eligible creators can now earn a 45% share of the revenue generated from the ads viewed during the streaming of their Shorts Videos. YouTube retains the remaining 55%.

On average, YouTubers earn anywhere between $1 to 10 for every 1000 views, which comes to around $0.01 to 0.10 per view.

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How to Garner More Views on your YouTube Shorts?

As a general rule, if you manage to retain the viewer’s attention in the first 3 to 5 seconds of your video, chances are that they might watch it till the end. So, to ensure that you get maximum views, create interesting and engaging content that lures the viewer’s attention right from the beginning.

Also, videos that are emotional, funny, or action-packed garner more views than informational ones. Even if you want to deliver a message, ensure that your deliverable is interesting.

Wrapping Up

While creating exceptional content can certainly enhance your chances of winning the competition, it is imperative to acknowledge that the strategic timing of posting is equally significant. This is due to the cutthroat rivalry amongst content creators.

In conclusion, it is recommended to post YouTube Shorts during specific time slots, such as between 6 to 10 pm on weekdays, 3 to 6 pm on Saturdays, and noon to 3 pm on Sundays. Moreover, weekends tend to garner the most engagement and views as people generally have more leisure time.

Nonetheless, it is crucial to note that there may be exceptions to this guideline depending on the nature of the content and the intended audience. Finally, every YouTube Channel is distinct and it is advisable to leverage analytical tools to determine the optimal posting strategy for your channel.

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